Opening remarks…
Ladies, you should not expect a man you JUST met to take you to a 5-star restaurant and wine and dine you... The purpose of dating is to get to KNOW the individual man and NOT his money or personal possessions or what can a man do for you... Money can often times be a front and many women have gotten confused because they see a shiny car and what appears to be a 'fat wallet'... Don't be fooled, surely you are worth more than a free meal... If you are that hungry, take yourself out!
The case…
If you are a true diva, you were not offended by what I just said because a true diva doesn’t sweat the materialistic things in life. How do you become a diva? Ladies, you must earn that status and a man will let you know when you’ve reached that status.
For the sake of argument, let’s divide the men into the marriage-minded (there aren’t too many of them around) and those that want to play house.
I’m a marriage-minded man and to reach Diva status with me you must win my heart. You’ll know that you’ve reach Diva status with me when you hear the phrase “will you marry me” followed by the sight of a diamond ring. Until then, you are in training and you must earn your stripes.
Now for the man that wants to play house, I was once one of them, ladies you must follow the rules of engagement and fully understand that men do not tie their decisions in with emotions. Also, if you are playing this version of the game…you must understand that a man will determine when you will be promoted to the marriage-minded version. Unfortunately, women often tie their emotions in with decisions and that’s how ya’ll get hurt and cry foul. We’ll provide you with the tissues and then remind you of the basic rules of engagement. Your girlfriends can take it from there.
Now, the first rule of engagement is you can’t demand from us what you can’t do for yourself. It is 2006, so before your bus-pass-carrying, no-job-having, still-being-supported-by parents self, starts mouthing off make sure you can handle the situation by your self. Once men reach 212 degrees Fahrenheit, we often don’t come back.
The second rule of engagement is you can’t truly make a man do something he doesn’t want to do. The police, the IRS and the U.S. Court System are the only entities that can make a man do something he doesn’t want to do. So, ladies do your homework before you get involved with a man in a playing-house-situation and don’t play yourself in the process.
In conclusion…
There are more rules…to the list but I can’t remember them all off the top of my head. If I do find the e-mail I once sent to a female that cried foul, I’ll update this entry. Henceforth, I’m sure conversations from this entry will jog my memory.
In my opinion, you are not using DIVA correctly. Leave that to the women...LOL! A true DIVA would be doing everything you named she wouldn't least by today's definition.
DIVA is usually saved for women who think their shit doesn't stink. Women whose head is so far up their own Skinny G's post...spoiled women that think they own the world just because.
To your credit, back in the day, Diva did have a positive connotation to it. It was used for glamourous, established, sexy women. That's not the case today. Crazy women like Naomi Campbell, Mariah Carey and other celebrities who have shown their asses have made being a DIVA less desirable.
On another note: Playing house went out with the Running Man.
" do not tie their decisions in with emotions"
you better tell it!
Uh, Mr. Christie, didn't Pimp Daddy just talk about this in the previous post? Is this what the ManLaw will be reduced to and so quickly? This is the same ole soup just reheated in my opinion.
Also, PoppaPimp had more specifics. Whoever this poor chick was that called foul, can you please not send her an email explaining the situation? That's a serious NO in WomanLaw. You need to say that shit to her FACE.
I do agree with some of the stuff you said. But calm down buddy. Is this the same Sherlon who blogged about how rude he was to some chick's family, IN THEIR HOUSE? And then tried to validate it all. I think it is.
@dynasty...I see Diva with a positive connotation...
@hizzle06...loud and clear. partners in crime have been blazing. I'll catch up. Promise.
i agree with this post wholeheartedly, but can the fellas of bro-man's-law riddle me this...
why do so many men bitch and complain about the dinner thing?
i got a womanlaw on that one, which is: IF YOU CAN ONLY AFFORD CERTAIN KIND OF DINNERS, DON'T ASK ME OUT!
although, i feel you about the "expectation" thing, i do hate it when men try to impress you by taking you someplace nice, but then secretly bitch about the price. hey, if i looked like a applebees sista to you, then shoulda took me there. i'm not trying to be beefed out over riblets.
if you take a woman to a mid-level spot, and she orders the salmon, and it's the most expensive thing on the menu...why you bitching?
that boggles me.
Amen!! Truth has been spoken on this entry!!
REAL TALK mayne...It gets no realer than this...
Men should always remember that a gift reflects the giver. If you're a cheap brother you will take your date to a cheap resturant. If you're the kind of man who likes to dine at the Four Seasons and you can afford it then that's where you should go. The problem is always when folks put on a fake facade. Be who you are up-front, spend only what you can afford to spend. Truss a real DIVA will respect this!
Why don't you ask me Con? May be because you already know!
and dont forget the IRS....they have MEN shook.....
The types of places i go on "first" dates depend on the individual..I went out recently with a guy and we rode to the beach and got buffalo wings...that worked for me.....others , they wanna wine and dine me......
I wrote about gold diggers and women who take advantage of men a while back and trust me, all of us are not on the "what can you do for me" train.
I feel better about myself when I obtain my own shit. I don't need to be wined and dined.
To the men: give me good conversation, compassion, humor, and good sex..the best things in life are FREE and orgasms are always free.
At least for me they are.
A true Diva doesn't mind stepping down off her pedestal to help someone else for a damn change.
I came here to your blog by mistake, SP, but since I'm here, I was enjoying myself with your little Man Law suggestions, LOL!
It's good to see men talking and what not. If women wanna know what men (in general) are thinking about our a**es, then we would do good to visit alot more male-written blogs. Your's is great!
Okay, Sunshine, talk to you later.
@J...First of all, you should read my pre-brothersmanlaw approach to dating...
Second, I don't ask a woman out if I don't think I can afford you and I certainly won't ask a woman out again if I think the price tag after one date doesn't equate to her personality. So, you'll get at least one free meal if either one of us thinks the situation was a complete waste of time. That's how I operate...but for many brothers it is all about dollahs and sense. How many dollahs will you cost me and does it make sense to spend it?
I'm saying detach money from the equation and then evaluate a brother's worth and I will do the same on my part. If you are always attaching money to a brother's worth...then most brothers come at it like..."well...shit...I'm going to get my money's worth."
Remember, I'm looking to get married in the future and when i ask a woman to be my wife I want her to honor those vows especially the part that says "for better or for worst...for richer or for poorer."
@conscious1...Do I sense a little something between you and Dynasty?
@onefromphilly...(see above comments to J)
@papiprincess...I updated the entry to include the IRS.
@Robert Mack...I was using the most extreme example that I could think of. I'm a college-educated brother, that's single with no dependents (and none on the way), disease-free, church upbringing and a caring heart. I see the at least the same.
@the mistress..."To the men: give me good conversation, compassion, humor, and good sex..the best things in life are FREE and orgasms are always free."
Have we met? (smile). I can meet all of those requirements.
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