Wednesday, August 16, 2006

On Some John Kerry Ish !

This is part rant, part question so bear with me. I am going to share with you a few scenarios and then tell you what I think about each. Please know that I apply some form or fashion of brother's man law to each.

1. I had a girlfriend in December and January just passed. Due to differences we both checked out emotionally and quickly broke up. Shortly there after, I being Conscious, saw the err in my ways. I had taken the lazy route, not communicating my emotions and frustrations expecting her to know automatically. I had also lost a woman who I considered a friend and had really grown fond of and enjoyed conversing with. I had also lost a very passionate and beautiful lover. So, while I didn't think I could salvage the relationship, I did want to salvage the friendship. So, I invited her out to dinner. She declined by stating "I don't recycle relationships". So, I said cool. Then I became insulted by the fact that if she couldn't accept a free meal then we really aren't friends. I kept it movin. I see her spot me downtown, she walks over and gives me a hug and some small talk. Now if you can't eat a meal on me then why hug me or chat me up. A week or so later she invites me to lunch. I accept (i'm not a complete assh*le).
But the day of, I call out of work cuz i'm sick. I email her to let her know and she doesn't even respond. Sent another email apologizing, still no response. So here's what it is. If I see her again she needs to keep it movin or expect a severe barrage of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, with a couple of nouns here and there. Either, she f's with me or she doesn't not both.

2. When I was like 21 I was seeing this 17 year old. Shut Up. It's only 4 years difference. Anyway, I dated her for a few years, treated her badly, not like abuse but definitely not the best of ways. You know she was my young thing and I was in the streets hard. So, she would get late nights, maybe a weekend here or there. But I taught her alot. I was her best friend. I confided in her as she did me. But of course she was coming into her own and she wanted to be in the streets too. So, I told her I knew she wanted to do her thing and I stayed her friend as she dated other guys, other girls, etc. Fast Forward like 4 years and I've grown up some, so has she. I come at her on some real ish. Like why don't you come live with me, be my woman like we used to speak about. Naw, she wanted to get it crunk and move to the ATL. I pleaded. Aiight maybe not pleaded but I tried to convince her to stay but to no avail. She was out. Living the life - clubbin', picked up the slang, the accent, got a lil thicker. . .I tried to stay close through phone and email but she was feeling her self. Started dating an Atlanta Hawk who now plays in Dallas (I was secretly hating on him throughout the finals). Which of course ends their relationship. She visits Boston last summer. I took her to Charlie's on Newbury Street. We had a great time just hanging out and kicking it. No sex. She calls me from the "A" a few months later like "I'm pregnant" -
(It ain't me, I just said no sex.) Now, she has a son. . .the kids father wants nothing to do with either and guess where we are now ? Right, Con gets the phone call and IMs saying "I miss you" "I haven't heard from you" "I want to move back to Boston" "I want you to see my son" "Do you think we could date if I came home" -

(insert sound of needle scratching off of record here)

Are you serious ? I tried to do it right with you. I would have gave this woman my seed. I offered to share my home. You didn't want any of that. Now, faced with the reality that she is not where she wants to be, and has no man, and only now is it beginning to dawn on her that she should have taken a left at Albuquerque. So, I'm supposed to pick up the slack of this bum ass dude ? He ain't even the issue.

3. Last one. . I had to do 3 for the stripes (It's a Boston thing).
Last summer, I met this woman and we hit it off. We became cool and maintained mostly a highly charged physical relationship. Afterwork private cool down sets. Rockets in flight, Sunday afternoon delight. Episodes like that. One catch. She had a man in NY. So on a few occasions she would show regret or remorse and I gave her the option of not messing with me (which I shouldn't have to give her) or to get serious with me. She chose neither. She actually chose to start sleeping with a friend of mine that I introduced her to. Hey, i don't hate the player. I don't even hate the game. I mean if she wasn't sleeping with him. It would just be someone else, I didn't know. Anyway. Eventually, things became too much for her. I empathized. I told her I didn't judge her. She is a grown ass woman. By the way she was going to NY every other week to see her man. But back to the story. One day I get a voicemail with some cat talking greazy on my voicemail from a train station with a girl in the background crying on 3 way. (Please refer to previous post about keeping my name and number out of your boyfriends reach). She later called IMed me, admitted it was her and her man and asked me not to contact her in any way. no phone, no IM, no email, nada. Which is cool, I keeps it movin'.

Friday that just passed. I was out doing flyers outside a club and I see three chics, I walk over and as they turn I see her, she lights up, walks over to me, hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. Then maybe two days ago leaves a comment on my blog about us being kindred spirits and best friends forever and hoping that I find peace and happiness because she has. My first reaction was who does this _____ think she is ? I been peaceful and happy. Don't try to get all holier than I and be preaching down to me. And how is hugging me and kissing me on the cheek, and then writing to me consistent with no contact ?

With all that being said: Am I buggin or are these women ? Are they trying to be cordial ? Cuz, I can deal with people walking by me and not speaking. I am a Bostonian involved in politics, that shit happens everyday.

Brother's manlaw: you might have heard this one before "Either love me or leave me alone"


Shug said...
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Shug said...

Brother's manlaw: you might have heard this one before "Either love me or leave me alone"

Amen! You're not crazy. With me, it's either you are my friend or you aren't and clearly none of them brawds are you friends. Oh well...fuck 'em!

Nika Laqui said...

There are no second chances...
If I gave you the option and you turned it down, there are no getbacks, especially now that you situation is screwed...

Ming Houser, Realtor said...

I totally agree...

Who has time for the wishy-washy bullshit? Either be with me or don't, but don't put me on a shelf until you're ready to play with me.

Besides, if the ish didn't work the first time I'm not too interested in revisting it again. We broke up for a reason, right?

Southerner in Suomi said...

This shit is sooooo real. I had a long ass blog about what happened when I tried to tolerate a wishy-washy ex. My mistake. Ah, well, you live you learn.

Thumbs up yet again sweetie. I really expected the ManLaw to be on some silliness, but you all have yet to dissapoint. K Reed, where are you though? I miss your knowledge.

CNEL said...

I too wonder sometimes what makes people think they can have what they once had. If you give something up, logic tells you it might not be there for you to reclaim. The love may not be gone, cause it's not that easy, but the life is still moving, cause in life there is constant motion either a regression or progression!

Gooders Girl said...

What goes around comes around,I believe we reap what we sew. So suck it up big boy.

The third chick is just trifling... women like that are dangerous. If she ain't gonna try and kill you with a dose (a case) one of her men take you out in a fit of burning passion.

The second chick. Oh well - but love is love if you truly love her her child will be of little conseqence - maybe she aint the one.

On the other hand, If she ain't want you before she started to breed for that loser, what she want now?

The first chick, I would give her a chance it sounds like she understood your behavior through old patterns of your emotional constipation.

BZ said...

I'm with you C. They're trippin.

I say: Keep your horses in their stables. I'm a thoroughbred, B!Keep my name, number, email and any other info out of their reach! Don't permeate my life with drama cuz you can't keep your game tight.

Princess Imperial said...

U bettah PREACH!

Love me or let my azz go ...real talk.

Sherlon Christie said...

Indecision is so not sexy on a woman, in my opinion. I love a woman that knows what she wants and goes after it.

journiemajor said...

Sounds like they're messed up in the head, ain't workin with a full deck if they think they can get back with you or play you like that. It's women like these that give all us good girls a bad name.