Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Women in the Workplace

I found this article on the MSNBC.com website and found it interesting. I think it is accurate in some workplaces. I have asked several male and female friends who have worked in a variety of offices and they thought it was true too. I think women need to really think carefully about how they dress.

How Men Perceive Women's Work Behavior

Feel free to comment!


LaPreghiera said...

I had written this really great response on how this article is helping me understand another situation I was recently arguing about, when my laptop locked up and I had to shut it down.
And I ain't typing all that again, so in short, I will make a concerted effort to examine my wardrobe, but you men have to get over yourselves. It is not about you!!!

Anonymous said...

LaPreghiera - I do not think the article was blaming women for how men react to how women are dressed. I think it really drove the point home though of how visual men are. It really does that. Women don't realize just how visuals really affect men. It shows that there is a big disconnect between the message about women want to convey when they dress and the message men interpret.

LaPreghiera said...

I guess my problem is, why do we have to be penalized or appear to be penalized because you interpret things wrong?

spchrist said...

@LaPreghiera...when you only have a visual to go by...everyone is going to see that visual a different way. Just like a man might think a skirt is too tight that a woman feels is just right. Or a blouse that is too revealing that a woman thinks is just fine.

LaPreghiera said...

Or a blouse that is too revealing that a woman thinks is just fine.
But see here even your language in your examples affirms that your view point/translation/interpretation of watch you saw is accurate. Its kind of like the supreme court decision on pornography, I know it when I see it. I get that, but this is why women are being held back cause men are seeing things.

spchrist said...
