Saturday, June 23, 2007

Multiplication of the assets

According to this survey, almost one in three American men say that they had sex with at least 15 partners, while just one in 11 American women report similar behavior.

For those that don't like fractions, that's about 33 percent of men and about 9 percent of women agree on that aforementioned number of at least 15 partners.


Somebody is lying.

Guess who I'm going to point the finger at?

Manlaw: Since women underreport their number of sexual partners more so than men overreport their number of sexual partners, fellas always multiple her "number" by three to bring it up to average.

You have to remember that women don't include one-night stands, non-boyfriends or bad lovers in their totals. Women remember and admit to quality while men remember and admit to quantity.


Chris said...

Very interesting way of looking at it, and very believable. Women always have qualifiers and variables when it comes to assessing their sexual history, and they get more do-overs than any playground or sandlot game ever.

BeautifulZaria said...

i disagree. A man will only come clean about the number of sex partners to other men in gloating, but not to their women. While some women may taint the truth a little, it's only to protect the ego's of their men. If we did admit the truth, we'd only hear about it later when the man wants to get out of the doghouse.

Lola Gets said...

I have had very few men admit to their true numbers, and I have very rarely admit to mine, too!
But you know what? In the past years (I think perhaps this entire century) I havent asked or been asked. Perhaps Im too old...hehe.

Unknown said...

well, I personally feel that most ppl lie about the number of partners they've had to most ppl. men will either tell the truth or build up their numbers to prove that they're "layin' the smack down"; and women usually lie to men and other women because they don't want anyone to know what a naughty girl they are. either way who's to say who's a whore??!!

Sherlon Christie said...

@chris...that's my take on the situation too

@reinstorm...why would a woman taint the truth a little, to protect the ego of a man?

@lola gets...ok

@millicent..."either way who's to say who's a whore?"

Well, I have to go with gut feelings and I'm looking to see if someone's actions match their words.

Paula D. said...

This is very interesting. I have girlfriends that never tell their number for fear of embarrassment. My number is so friggin' low that I always get the skeptical look if I tell it.....

Tupac Da Dogg said...

My rule is 'don't ask 'cause you don't want to know.' And I sure as hell don't want to know your number. All I want to know is if you got some 'condition' or if you're crazy. On the latter, I usually get those. That's more of a concern for a dog.

Sherlon Christie said...

@paula your girlfriends' actions sort of buy into that theory then.


"All I want to know is if you got some 'condition' or if you're crazy. On the latter, I usually get those."

What guy hasn't dealt with a crazy female? I've almost got enough entries to write an entire book.


Very interesting point: When you said this--women don't include one-night stands, non-boyfriends or bad lovers in their totals!

We make sure to tell our friends about the BAD dick too! LOL

Sherlon Christie said...

@the mistress...although you were not under oath, honesty is always appreciated.

@annoyedallthetime...I can only imagine what those conversations are like. (smile).

Gooders Girl said...

...I have lost count! Used to have a list only God knows where that is!!

Mahogany Elle said...

Nah Sherlon. I'm gonna have to respectfully dissent. Men OVERreport so as to have locker room stories to share with their boys. Lol. Also, one should consider that there are more women than men in the country, so the 9% even if some cases is underreported is a percentage of a greater aggregate number. Tis all :)

Sherlon Christie said...

@gooders girl...I hope you never have to contact anyone from that list...then those names would be very important.

@mahogany elle...don't agree with your point of view...but thanks for commenting.