Monday, April 13, 2009

Act Like a Lady: Think Like a Man Discussion (Part 2)

I want to say thank you to the 165 people that tuned into the live chat on Easter Sunday. I'm not sure if all the chatters were women but I suspect a very good portion were that night. Thank you for the support.

I hope you enjoyed the comments from my man Keith and I about the topics that Steve Harvey mentioned in his book. Someone asked when are we going to do a chat like this again and the honest answer is, I don't know.

If someone wants our thoughts (the male perspective...that is) on a specific topic about dating e-mail us at and I'll see if I can't turn it into a blog entry or another chat.

Once again thanks for making the 4 hour and 47 minute chat (I was only planning on 2 hours a total success.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Act Like a Lady: Think Like a Man Discussion...

Please come back on Sunday, April 12 at 7 p.m. as I'll host an online discussion about Steve Harvey's book "Act Like a Lady: Think Like a Man."

I agreed with about 65 percent of what Steve Harvey said. The book is hilarious and even if you think Steve Harvey is full of himself...the book is worth a look. On Sunday evening, I'm going to give the non-celebrity man's point-of-view of what Steve Havey was saying.

See you then.