Monday, March 12, 2007

Condoms, maybe?

File this under "triflin'". According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, a man went to court recently on a theft charge and admitted before a judge that he has six kids -- on the way, that is. That's right. Not six kids already. Not five and one coming. Not even four with twins in the oven.

No, this man -- and ever so loosely do I use the term -- said in open court, prior to his lawyer shutting him up, that he has six different women knocked simultaneously. Surprisingly enough, the cat wasn't even in court for custody or child support. His crime, according to the story, was running a scheme most crooks would know as playing the float. Basically, what you do is make a false deposit at an ATM machine, using an empty envelope, then immediately withdraw the cash back from the account. Because it takes a deposit a certain amount of time to clear, you're off scott free with the cash that you've "floated" yourself, at least until the bank catches its mistake.

I refuse to believe this man was stupid, despite the six kids thing (that's a big exception, I know). For one, a float hustle isn't one for the faint of heart or slight of brain. It takes sense to figure out how to make it work. Beyond that, dude had already made restitution for what he stole, a sign he was smart enough to get ahead of the system and at least try to win himself leniency. As it stands, he took a guilty verdict and walked with not a day behind bars. Last, the story says he produces music and that just got a deal worth at least 300 grand in up-front cash. This is no fool, more like a hustler, and not necessarily of the two-bit variety.

But what doesn't make sense to me is what respectable hustler would set himself up for a trap as big as having six kids by six different babymommas? Seriously, nothing in life could be worse than that, including jail. A man with as many schemes as he had should have been able to figure out a real easy solution to this problem: hit up the Trojan aisle, homie. Trojans ain't never hurt nobody.


Southerner in Suomi said...

Holly crap Keef!!!
Now, was dude sure he has six chicks knocked up or he just had six bithces telling him they were knocked up by him?
And what the hell did he expect to get out of telling the judge that? Leniency? Foolishness, I tells ya!!
I remember my dad saying some people have a lot of book sense and not enough common sense.
Maybe he had a lot of street sense and not enough common sense?

LaPreghiera said...

Definitely agree with the post and vdizzle.
But does it make any more sense to be a multi-millionaire with multiple kids out of wedlock like say, P. Diddy or Tom Brady?
Virility is not a sign of masculinity, but for a lot of men with $0 in the bank or $10 million, they think that is their only measure of manhood.
Ultimately, its going to be his "sextuplets" that will suffer the consequence of his irresponsibility the most...

SNM said...

Maybe he's got herpes and he wants to share . . . lol.

Amadeo said...

That's hustling backwards...someone out that group will see $$$ stamped on his back and that $300,000 will go pretty quick.

Chris said...

Yeah, but Rickey Lackey did give birth to a new catch phrase that I PROMISE YOU will be sweeping the nation. By Summertime 2007, we will all "be concubinin'."

Miz JJ said...

But he was concubining. Spreading his seed around. Plus he has so much loot he is not worried about minding all those children. Those women must feel so stupid. To be one of the women he knocked up. And he is not even anything to look at.

Chance said...

Well we know where most of money from producing will be going, unless he comes up with another scheme. dang!